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Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK 3.5.0

Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK 3.5.0

Screenshots of Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK

Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK Publisher's Description

Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK for Windows (R), Mac OS X, Linux is aimed at helping developers add text-to-speech functionality to their applications. Supported languages: U.S. English, U.K. English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean. Officially supported programming languages: C++, Objective-C, Java, C#, Visual Basic.NET, Visual Basic 6. Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK (DF TTS SDK) is the only true OS native (no COM/ActiveX, no client-server, etc overheads) cross-platform provider-independent technology that provides standardized and unified API's for the implementation of the conversion of text data into speech. Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK supports: * 9 languages and over 100 voices; * C++, Java, VB.NET, C#, VB 6 (all officially supported); * Speech synthesis and control through a unified API; * Audio file generation in numerous audio formats; * Speech synthesis events (speech progress, audio generation completion); * Unified simplified native API calls. Example: DFTTSSpeak(0, 1, "David", -1, LANG_US_ENGLISH, "Testing the Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK.", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, DFTTS_TEXT_TYPE_XML,-1); DFTTSExportToFileEx(0, "Paul", 1, 1033,"Testing the Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK.", -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, DFTTS_TEXT_TYPE_XML, "test.wav", 0, "", -1, -1); With Digital Future Text-to-Speech SDK Software Developers: * can use a standardized and easy to use API with various Windows, Mac OS x and Linux speech engines (9 languages and over 100 voices); * can program in their language of preference (through an OS native interface): C++, Java, VB.NET, C#, VB 6 (all officially supported); * will be able to use most compilers and IDE's for building of their applications; * will have access to detailed API documentation and samples in all supported programming languages; * will get 24-hour telephone Developer Support.

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